Motif confirmation by HMMer

hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database
HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998)
Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine
HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
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HMM file:                 /home/niguts/usr02/tshini/ykclst/db/Pfam_fs
Sequence file:            hmm1/seq/B0523.5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Query:  B0523.5  CE06721    status:Confirmed SW:P34268 protein_id:AAB37088.1

Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains):
Model    Description                                    Score    E-value  N
-------- -----------                                    -----    ------- ---
Gelsolin Gelsolin repeat                                284.8    5.7e-83   5
LRR      Leucine Rich Repeat                            100.7    1.1e-26  16
UreF     UreF                                             3.6        7.9   1

Parsed for domains:
Model    Domain  seq-f seq-t    hmm-f hmm-t      score  E-value
-------- ------- ----- -----    ----- -----      -----  -------
LRR        1/16      8    32 ..     1    25 []     2.1       97
LRR        2/16     33    55 ..     1    25 []     3.4       43
LRR        3/16     56    78 ..     1    25 []    12.1     0.15
LRR        4/16     79   103 ..     1    25 []     5.5       11
LRR        5/16    104   123 ..     1    25 []     9.0      1.1
LRR        6/16    130   150 ..     4    25 .]    12.5     0.11
LRR        7/16    151   173 ..     1    25 []    12.2     0.13
LRR        8/16    174   197 ..     1    25 []     5.6       10
LRR        9/16    198   222 ..     1    25 []     5.4       12
LRR       10/16    223   245 ..     1    25 []     7.5      2.8
LRR       11/16    246   260 ..     1    16 [.    11.8     0.18
LRR       12/16    269   291 ..     1    25 []    15.8    0.013
LRR       13/16    292   316 ..     1    25 []     7.9      2.3
LRR       14/16    317   339 ..     1    25 []    11.4     0.22
LRR       15/16    340   362 ..     1    25 []    14.2    0.036
LRR       16/16    363   385 ..     1    25 []     2.2       91
Gelsolin   1/5     517   600 ..     1    96 []    67.6  1.2e-18
Gelsolin   2/5     639   714 ..     1    96 []    68.7  5.9e-19
UreF       1/1     798   810 ..   142   154 .]     3.6      7.9
Gelsolin   3/5     756   832 ..     1    96 []    71.6  8.3e-20
Gelsolin   4/5    1083  1133 ..    32    96 .]    18.1  0.00058
Gelsolin   5/5    1164  1243 ..     1    96 []    58.8  5.1e-16

Alignments of top-scoring domains:
LRR: domain 1 of 16, from 8 to 32: score 2.1, E = 97
                       ++ +d+sgN ++++ +p d  + +t
     B0523.5     8    FVKGIDFSGNDFSgDRFPHD-VEQMT    32

LRR: domain 2 of 16, from 33 to 55: score 3.4, E = 43
                      + + L L++++l+  +p++ +s +
     B0523.5    33    QMTWLKLNDSKLE-QVPDE-LSRCA    55

LRR: domain 3 of 16, from 56 to 78: score 12.1, E = 0.15
                      nL++L + +N+l  s+  + +s+L+
     B0523.5    56    NLEHLQMAHNQLI-SVHGE-LSDLP    78

LRR: domain 4 of 16, from 79 to 103: score 5.5, E = 11
                      +Lr+  +++Nnl+++++p d+f+ ++
     B0523.5    79    RLRSVIVRDNNLKtAGIPTDIFR-MK    103

LRR: domain 5 of 16, from 104 to 123: score 9.0, E = 1.1
                       L+ +dLs+N+l+ ++p     +L
     B0523.5   104    DLTIIDLSRNQLR-EVPT----NLE    123

LRR: domain 6 of 16, from 130 to 150: score 12.5, E = 0.11
                      +L+Ls+Nn++ ++p++++++L
     B0523.5   130    VLNLSYNNIE-TIPNSVCANLI    150

LRR: domain 7 of 16, from 151 to 173: score 12.2, E = 0.13
                       L +LdLs+N+l   lpp  ++ L+
     B0523.5   151    DLLSLDLSNNKLD-MLPPQ-IRRLS    173

LRR: domain 8 of 16, from 174 to 197: score 5.6, E = 10
                       L++L Ls+N+l  ++    + ++t
     B0523.5   174    MLQSLKLSNNPLN-HFQLKQLPSMT    197

LRR: domain 9 of 16, from 198 to 222: score 5.4, E = 12
                      +L +L++s++n t + +pp ++++++
     B0523.5   198    SLSVLHMSNTNRTlDNIPP-TLDDMH    222

LRR: domain 10 of 16, from 223 to 245: score 7.5, E = 2.8
                      nLr  d+s Nnl   +p+ a+ +L+
     B0523.5   223    NLRDVDFSENNLP-IVPE-ALFKLR    245

	[output cut off at A = 10 top alignments]

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