Motif confirmation by HMMer

hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database
HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998)
Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine
HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
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HMM file:                 /home/niguts/usr02/tshini/ykclst/db/Pfam_fs
Sequence file:            hmm1/seq/C33F10.5a
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Query:  C33F10.5a  CE04138   fibronectin, IG-like domains of NCAM status:Partially_confirmed TR:Q18382 protein_id:AAK31481.1

Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains):
Model           Description                             Score    E-value  N
--------        -----------                             -----    ------- ---
ig              Immunoglobulin domain                    74.9    4.4e-19   3
fn3             Fibronectin type III domain              65.8    1.6e-17   4
DNA_ligase_OB   NAD-dependent DNA ligase OB-fold doma     7.0        1.5   1
AFP             Insect antifreeze protein                 6.9          9   1
PseudoU_synth_2 RNA pseudouridylate synthase              4.6        2.8   1
PKD             PKD domain                                3.6        6.2   1
Connexin50      Gap junction alpha-8 protein (Cx50)       2.3        9.3   1

Parsed for domains:
Model           Domain  seq-f seq-t    hmm-f hmm-t      score  E-value
--------        ------- ----- -----    ----- -----      -----  -------
Connexin50        1/1      67    74 ..    62    69 .]     2.3      9.3
ig                1/3     133   190 ..     1    50 []    32.2    3e-07
ig                2/3     223   287 ..     1    50 []    26.9  8.7e-06
PKD               1/1     286   302 ..    82    99 .]     3.6      6.2
ig                3/3     323   380 ..     1    50 []    15.8   0.0099
PseudoU_synth_2   1/1     392   400 ..     1     9 [.     4.6      2.8
AFP               1/1     420   431 ..     1    12 []     6.9        9
DNA_ligase_OB     1/1     541   558 ..    66    85 .]     7.0      1.5
fn3               1/4     523   601 ..    17    84 .]    36.5  4.5e-09
fn3               2/4     614   658 ..     1    41 [.     6.3      2.3
fn3               3/4     738   815 ..     9    84 .]    17.1   0.0018
fn3               4/4     910   926 ..    69    84 .]     5.7      3.5

Alignments of top-scoring domains:
Connexin50: domain 1 of 1, from 67 to 74: score 2.3, E = 9.3
                      tL SYAQ+
   C33F10.5a    67    TLWSYAQT    74

ig: domain 1 of 3, from 133 to 190: score 32.2, E = 3e-07
                      G+s  L C +   ++p p+++W + +gk+++ +++ ++++ +l i++
   C33F10.5a   133    GDSIYLECFAY--ASPlPqYKWSrVDGKpIParshisNYGRVLKIeK 177

                   v+++D+ G Y Cv+
   C33F10.5a   178 VNYGDA-GKYKCVA    190

ig: domain 2 of 3, from 223 to 287: score 26.9, E = 8.7e-06
                       + v++ C  s  +++  +v W+++ k++ +   + +++++ +  +
   C33F10.5a   223    ESNVSFECLLS-NADSySsVEWFKDAKpIVplllpaekrkrlkIDHN 268

                   +l+++ + + Ds G+Y Cv+
   C33F10.5a   269 VLHLkFADETDS-GVYQCVA    287

PKD: domain 1 of 1, from 286 to 302: score 3.6, E = 6.2
                      ++sN+vgs+s++ + +tV
   C33F10.5a   286    VASNDVGSSSSS-ALLTV    302

ig: domain 3 of 3, from 323 to 380: score 15.8, E = 0.0099
                      G++v+++C +   ++p+ + +W + +g++l+++++ +    ++ i++
   C33F10.5a   323    GSTVSIPCIFE--ASPrFhGKWAdAGGSkLPqkgrirDEEGVISIeK 367

                   v  eD+ G ++C++
   C33F10.5a   368 VLHEDA-GLFFCTA    380

PseudoU_synth_2: domain 1 of 1, from 392 to 400: score 4.6, E = 2.8
   C33F10.5a   392    QLIVVNKPS    400

AFP: domain 1 of 1, from 420 to 431: score 6.9, E = 9
                      tC +S+ C+eA
   C33F10.5a   420    TCENSAECPEAL    431

DNA_ligase_OB: domain 1 of 1, from 541 to 558: score 7.0, E = 1.5
                      Pkv+g ++  e+Rt  ++++
   C33F10.5a   541    PKVEGYLV--ELRTRKNRKW    558

fn3: domain 1 of 4, from 523 to 601: score 36.5, E = 4.5e-09
                      ++l+W  p++++++++++ +++gY v++R  kn  ++  e+++ g+

                   +++s t+++L P+teY++rV++v  +  G++S

fn3: domain 2 of 4, from 614 to 658: score 6.3, E = 2.3
                      Ps+   nl+ +++ s +l ++W+p + +++ +g+  +Y+v++ +++


   C33F10.5a     -    -

	[output cut off at A = 10 top alignments]

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