Motif confirmation by HMMer

hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database
HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998)
Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine
HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HMM file:                 /home/niguts/usr02/tshini/ykclst/db/Pfam_fs
Sequence file:            hmm3/seq/F45E10.1b
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Query:  F45E10.1b  CE31347  locus:unc-53 adaptor protein unc-53 status:Partially_confirmed TN:CAD44133 protein_id:CAD44133.1

Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains):
Model          Description                              Score    E-value  N
--------       -----------                              -----    ------- ---
CH             Calponin homology (CH) domain             27.7    3.1e-06   1
bZIP           bZIP transcription factor                  8.8       0.55   1
AIG1           AIG1 family                                5.7          2   1
HALZ           Homeobox associated leucine zipper         5.2          6   2
AAA            ATPase family associated with various      4.4        2.7   1
TK_herpes      Thymidine kinase from herpesvirus          4.0        6.4   1
G-gamma        GGL domain                                 3.9        7.7   1
IRF            Interferon regulatory factor transcrip     3.8        7.7   1
Hepatitis_core Hepatitis core antigen                     2.8          7   1

Parsed for domains:
Model          Domain  seq-f seq-t    hmm-f hmm-t      score  E-value
--------       ------- ----- -----    ----- -----      -----  -------
IRF              1/1      27    44 ..    97   114 .]     3.8      7.7
CH               1/1       7   115 ..     1   106 []    27.7  3.1e-06
HALZ             1/2     110   131 ..    24    45 .]     4.2       12
Hepatitis_core   1/1     376   386 ..   148   158 .]     2.8        7
G-gamma          1/1    1059  1075 ..     1    17 [.     3.9      7.7
HALZ             2/2    1053  1076 ..     8    31 ..     8.5     0.61
bZIP             1/1    1051  1078 ..    27    54 ..     8.8     0.55
AIG1             1/1    1260  1273 ..     1    14 [.     5.7        2
TK_herpes        1/1    1266  1288 ..     1    22 [.     4.0      6.4
AAA              1/1    1261  1331 ..     1    72 [.     4.4      2.7

Alignments of top-scoring domains:
IRF: domain 1 of 1, from 27 to 44: score 3.8, E = 7.7
                      +S+ d+s+ ++ YRl+
   F45E10.1b    27    KSIRDISNDFRDYRLVSQ    44

CH: domain 1 of 1, from 7 to 115: score 27.7, E = 3.1e-06
                      +    ++ W+n++l + +  +        ++++ + d++ D ++  +

                   L+n++ + ++ ++  +++  + +++ + l+++ld +++ Gl++  +l
   F45E10.1b    45 LINVIVpinefspaftkrlakitsnlDGLETCLDYLKNLGLDC-SKLTK- 92

                    Di +  gn       vl +l  L  + q
   F45E10.1b    93 TDIDS--GNL----GAVLQLLFLLSTYKQ    115

HALZ: domain 1 of 2, from 110 to 131: score 4.2, E = 12
                      L   +++Lr++++ +k+ +q++
   F45E10.1b   110    LSTYKQKLRQLKKDQKKLEQLP    131

Hepatitis_core: domain 1 of 1, from 376 to 386: score 2.8, E = 7
                      YR  dAPi++
   F45E10.1b   376    YRKTDAPIISQ    386

G-gamma: domain 1 of 1, from 1059 to 1075: score 3.9, E = 7.7
                      v +l+ e++qL+ke+++
   F45E10.1b  1059    VNKLKTENKQLKKEVDK    1075

HALZ: domain 2 of 2, from 1053 to 1076: score 8.5, E = 0.61
                      ++L+   + Lk en  L+ke+d+L
   F45E10.1b  1053    DVLRETVNKLKTENKQLKKEVDKL    1076

bZIP: domain 1 of 1, from 1051 to 1078: score 8.8, E = 0.55
                      e++ L+e v +L++eNk+L+ke+++L++

AIG1: domain 1 of 1, from 1260 to 1273: score 5.7, E = 2
                      r++VL G TG GKS
   F45E10.1b  1260    RRLVLAGATGIGKS    1273

TK_herpes: domain 1 of 1, from 1266 to 1288: score 4.0, E = 6.4
                      G+ GiGK+  a++Laa  s+r++
   F45E10.1b  1266    GATGIGKSKLAKTLAAYVSIRtN    1288

AAA: domain 1 of 1, from 1261 to 1331: score 4.4, E = 2.7
                       + L G  G GK+ LAk++A     ++++++++++ isi  +++ el
   F45E10.1b  1261    RLVLAGATGIGKSKLAKTLAAYVSirtnqsedsIVNISIPEnnkEEL 1307

                   +     + e+r+ ++++  + +        i+++D i
   F45E10.1b  1308 L-----QVERRLEKILRSKESC--------IVILDNI    1331

	[output cut off at A = 10 top alignments]

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