Motif confirmation by HMMer

hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database
HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998)
Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine
HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HMM file:                 /home/niguts/usr02/tshini/ykclst/db/Pfam_fs
Sequence file:            hmm3/seq/F55C5.3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Query:  F55C5.3  CE11154  locus:twk-11 potassium channel protein status:Confirmed TR:Q20817 protein_id:CAB01568.1

Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains):
Model     Description                                   Score    E-value  N
--------  -----------                                   -----    ------- ---
ion_trans Ion transport protein                          51.4    9.1e-13   2
NCD2      NAB conserved region 2 (NCD2)                   4.8          2   1
EII-Sor   PTS system sorbose-specific iic component       4.7        4.4   1

Parsed for domains:
Model     Domain  seq-f seq-t    hmm-f hmm-t      score  E-value
--------  ------- ----- -----    ----- -----      -----  -------
ion_trans   1/2     118   270 ..   138   225 ..    12.9    0.026
NCD2        1/1     337   361 ..     1    27 [.     4.8        2
ion_trans   2/2     366   438 ..   137   228 .]    25.6  9.2e-06
EII-Sor     1/1     421   439 ..   220   238 .]     4.7      4.4

Alignments of top-scoring domains:
ion_trans: domain 1 of 2, from 118 to 270: score 12.9, E = 0.026
                      + +l++lf f+++g  +f++++   +++   ++ +++++  +  +
     F55C5.3   118    IAWLVVLFSFSLFGGVIFSAIEGGYEttqlikkfehekdvyerrkiy 164

                    +       + +++++++ + +++ ++ + + + +  ++ + + + + ++
     F55C5.3   165 qeqlfqrlreiehdntnprgrnssrehfkleqsrhalewyeqkmgvtiEE 214

                    + +   +n + +++++  + Tt+G+g+ +p     t  g i+ +++ ++

                   g+ l++++++
     F55C5.3   261 GIPLVFTILL    270

NCD2: domain 1 of 1, from 337 to 361: score 4.8, E = 2
                       +  es h+lSP ++v ++ +  ++ v
     F55C5.3   337    -QHIESNHPLSP-LDVDVPMGEQVQTV    361

ion_trans: domain 2 of 2, from 366 to 438: score 25.6, E = 9.2e-06
                      + ++++l+++++++ v l+ +               +++++af++ F
     F55C5.3   366    AAIFFFLWIMISAFIVRLWEY--------------EWTYFTAFYFFF 398

                   ++lTt+G gd++ +    t+  +i+  + + l+g+ ++ l+ a++

EII-Sor: domain 1 of 1, from 421 to 439: score 4.7, E = 4.4
                      l ++li+++v+G++ A++
     F55C5.3   421    LAMTLIGLSVVGLCAAIVQ    439

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