cluster | chromosome | cosmid | CDS | gene |
CELK00698 | x | F22E10 | F22E10.3 | pgp-14 |
2 cell |
4 cell |
6-18 cell |
early gastrulation |
mid gastrulation |
late gastrulation |
comma stage |
1.5 fold stage |
2 fold stage |
3 fold stage |
L1 - L2 |
L2 - L3 |
L3 - L4 |
L4 - adult |
WormPep | F22E10.3 | status:Confirmed TR:Q19735 protein_id:CAA91801.1 |
HMMer | ABC_tran | ABC transporter |
GO | 0000166, nucleotide binding 0005524, ATP binding 0006810, transport 0016021, integral to membrane 0016887, ATPase activity 0017111, nucleoside-triphosphatase activity 0042626, ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances | |
BLASTX | gi|17567269|ref|NP_510128.1| P-GlycoProtein related (146.8 kD) (pgp-14) [Caenorhabditis elegans] gi|7499665|pir||T21268 hypothetical protein F22E10.3 - Caenorhabditis elegans gi|3876293|emb|CAA91801.1| Hypothetical protein F22E10.3 [Caenorhabditis elegans] gi|40764042|gb|AAR89639.1| P-glycoprotein related (146.8 kD) (pgp-14) [Caenorhabditis elegans] |
clones | ||||||||||||||||||||