Usage of chromosome map
First (top) page
In the page, there are six yellow vertical bars, each of which shows
a chromosome (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or X). Blue horizontal lines at the both
sides of the chromosome bars show gene density (left:direct strand,
right:complementary strand).
If you click one of the chromosome bar, a chromosome map of the selected
one is shown by more precise style.
Chromosome map
Red boxes aligned in vertical direction show locations of cosmid clones.
Names of genes or loci on direct strand are shown in the left side, and
those on complementary strand are shown in the right side.
If you click one of the cosmid boxes, a precise information of the selected
cosmid (Cosmid map) or a precise map of the
selected cosmid and its neighborhood (Area map)
is displayed.
To change the view of the map, there are items on the top of the map.
- zoom button
: zoom in
If the button is clicked, the center region of the current view is
enlarged to fill the view.
: zoom out
If the button is clicked, the current view is reduced and the neighbors are
also included in the new view.
- shift button
: shift up one unit
If the button is clicked, the view is shifted to upper direction so that
a neighbor cosmid is included in the new view.
: shift up two units
If the button is clicked, the view is shifted to upper direction so that
two neighbor cosmids are included in the new view.
: shift down one unit
If the button is clicked, the view is shifted to down direction so that
a neighbor cosmid is included in the new view.
: shift down two unit2
If the button is clicked, the view is shifted to down direction so that
two neighbor cosmids are included in the new view.
- viewing area
Users can directly specify the area on the chromosome which is shown
in the view. Type start and end positions by base pairs, and then
click "go" button.
- drawing size
Users can change the graphic size of the map. Type width and height
by dot number and then click "go" button.